Wednesday, August 11, 2010

i think ill start a new blog and copy this over. new phase of my life, new blog. lily, would you like to come with me?

some days my makeup looks better than others. today is a good day :)

everything is so far behind me, and im so happy. im moving movinggg movinggg. i finally feel like i used to, in control of my life. i know where im headed, i know where i came from and i know what i can become.

everything happens for a reason. and im so excited to see why :)

at saint andrews i dont have to listen to whispers like i would have had to at timbertop..i just know it.
at sacs i feel wanted and beautiful and popular, and although i miss timbertop desperately, i know i can make a light of my situation. i know that even though my entire future was stolen from me, i can regrow it again. i can make my life into what i want, all over again.

im not going to let anything, or anyone stop me. because i am me, i know what i want, and i know how to get it.

my future looks bright :)