Wednesday, November 4, 2009


exams are tomorrow and english is first and im freaking out cuz there is so much expetation from my parents and my teacher cuz im in extention english and at timbertop i wanna be in top extention so this exam matters so much and im not prepoerly writing a short story yet i just have to hope and pray that my short answers are witty enough and my essay is structured enough. coz i am gunna bullcrap my way through the quotes, lets hope they dont catch on. but that STORY. my god., i have to keep woring on it now so i cant type but im stdying for maths too which my parents want me to do well in and then i have to study for geog and science cuz i love geography and will beat myself up for all of eternity unless i get one hundred percent. i hate this. i left all this study to the last minute and now im screwed.

so m guna study my ass off now and see what happends

please god i pray to you the holy father, keep me safe in these tough exams, help me excel, help me work to the best of my capablities, i thank you lord, amen.

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